Friday, June 26, 2009

Workforce Efficiency Consulting

There are many approaches to developing human resources for your company. Companies with good hiring practices usually do a lot of the same things (background tests, strength tests, etc.). But many companies don't have these practices. Many companies need help.

Have you ever seen those people who choose a career, or quit a job based on what they THINK they are good at? Of course this may not have anything to do with what they are actually good at.

This business would come in to do a one week analysis (I don't like drawn out consulting projects), finding out which employees are operating in their strengths. Everyone in the office takes the same "Strength Finders" test, and then the business analyzes results and does some follow up questions.

Let's say that this process takes 1-week, and might save the company thousands of dollars per year in inefficiencies. The business can charge $1,500 for up to 20 employees (or something like that) and probably do 2-3 per week.

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