Monday, September 21, 2009

Currently, is not being used for high school TV. Why is that?

What if had a funny show with a host travelling to high schools all over the nation? They could interview students and teachers, highlight special schools, create competition between schools, anything that is entertaining. What if 200,000 high schoolers started watching?

It's risky because the show might suck, but how much would it actually cost? Here's the checklist of what the business needs:
  1. Camera
  2. Computer
  3. A host for the show
  4. Web hosting fees
  5. Time

Content creators are the king of the web. The entrepreneur who is willing to become a director will find success. Small budgets can take on big networks now. Entertainment has more to do with good ideas than nice cameras.

Really this idea is about producing TV shows online. It could be anything. It could be full length movies. If it's entertaining, people will watch. If people watch, advertisements are worth money.

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