Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Artistic Gardening (Idea #51)

Currently gardening is a hobby for most, with little income potential or even grocery savings. A few daring people try to sell their stuff at a farmers market, but even they aren't going to make a lot of money.

But what if space could be used more wisely, and people could be paid for their artistic ability as well as their green thumb? What if art and gardening collide?

Imagine going to a wedding and picking your salad fresh from a growing spiral of art. Imagine an affluent person paying for an artistic garden to cook from, but that they don't have to take care of daily.

This idea started when I saw a product. It is called whirligrow, and you can find out more about it here.

Basically it is a spiraling tube that grows garden plants from it. It can be used in urban areas for gardening in small spaces, but it presents interesting options of landscapers, event coordinators, and wedding planners as well. It is just one idea that could make gardening more artistic.

There are a few directions this business could go. Sell event set ups. Sell ongoing gardening maintenance. Sell one-time landscaping projects. All are good I think.

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