Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cereal Restaurant

This is a restaurant with every type of breakfast cereal on the market... And nothing else. That's right. Customers come for a bowl of cereal with milk, any time of the day. Open until 10:00pm for late night snacks.

Really this would exist for the cool factor more than practical reasons. Environment is WAY more important than the product.

- Posted using my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I really like this idea, I have been trying to find a reason to buy some old building and just make a really cool hang out with free wifi. But I don't want to try the coffee thing, it's been done. But cereal... You could over charge for the cereal to pay for the rest. People would pay 2 - 3 bucks a bowl if the bowls were big. If only you could have a sign that said no smacking. That could be a very loud place.
